European Sovereignty: The Legal Dimension – A Union in Control of its own Destiny
Trier & online, 13-14 October 2022
Thursday, 13 October 2022 |
Opening ceremony – Introductory speeches
Chair: Jean-Philippe Rageade, Director of the Academy of European Law, Trier
Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, Luxembourg; President of the Governing Board of the Academy of European Law (ERA)
Malu Dreyer, Minister President of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz (video message)
Sabine Verheyen, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), Strasbourg/Brussels; Chair of the Executive Board of ERA
Marc van der Woude, President of the General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg
Part 1 – Prolegomena |
Chair: Julia Laffranque, Judge at the Supreme Court of Estonia, Tartu
The Janus of European sovereignty – What does it mean within and without?
Iris Goldner Lang, Professor at the University of Zagreb
Ulla Neergaard, Professor at the University of Copenhagen
Daniel Sarmiento, Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid
Part 2 – Judicial sovereignty |
Chair: Irēna Kucina, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, Riga
Keynote address:
The extension of the competences of the Union through the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice: myth or reality?
Koen Lenaerts, President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Panel discussion:
National and European sovereignty in the EU: an irresolvable conflict? – The position of the national constitutional courts
Andreas L. Paulus, Former Judge of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Karlsruhe
Elena-Simina Tănăsescu, Judge at the Constitutional Court of Romania, Bucharest
Jiří Zemánek, Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, Brno
Friday, 14 October 2022 |
Part 3 – European sovereignty in specific areas |
Topic 1 – Strategic Sovereignty |
Chair: Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Senior Professor at the University of Heidelberg
Keynote address:
Strategic sovereignty of the Union: realistic chance or wishful thinking?
Bruno Dupré, Secretariat-General of the European External Action Service, Policy Planning and Strategic Foresight, Brussels
Panel Discussion on different dimension of European Strategic Sovereignty:
• the Energy Dimension of Sovereignty
• the Trade and Development Assistance Dimension of Sovereignty (Global Gateway)
• the Defence Dimension of Sovereignty
• the Political Aspects of Strategic Sovereignty
Dirk Buschle, Deputy Director and Legal Counsel at the Energy Community Secretariat, Vienna
Inge Govaere, Professor at Ghent University
Panos Koutrakos, Professor at City, University of London
Elena Yoncheva, Member of the European Parliament, Strasbourg/Brussel
Topic 2 – Budgetary and fiscal Sovereignty |
Chair: Gavin Barrett, Professor at the University College Dublin
Keynote address:
A New Budgetary Regime for Europe
Thomas Piketty, Professor at the Paris School of Economics
Panel Discussion on the recovery plan NextGenerationEU:
• Does the approach taken to financing NextGenerationEU constitute a once-off initiative or will it constitute a precedent to be followed?
• The economic and constitutional impact of NextGenerationEU
• EU budgetary sovereignty and Member State budgetary sovereignty
Fabian Amtenbrink, Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Alicia Hinarejos, Professor at McGill University, Montreal
Anna Jarosz-Friis, Head of Unit in the Directorate-General for Budget (DG BUDG), Strategic Coordination and Communication, at the European Commission, Brussels
Margarida Marques, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgets (BUDG), Strasbourg/Brussels
Topic 3 – Digital Sovereignty |
Chair: Marc van der Woude, President of the General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg
Keynote address:
Digital sovereignty in technology and rule-setting: why (not) and how?
Mireille Hildebrandt, Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Panel Discussion on the EU’s digital policy:
• Privacy and data protection – How to reconcile trends towards the free flow of data with data sovereignty
• DMA and DSA as policy projects leading to European digital sovereignty
• Implementing EU’s cybersecurity strategy – Building resilience and technical sovereignty
Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Director, Responsible Tech & Competition, European Government Affairs, Microsoft, Brussels
Paul Nemitz, Principal Advisor at the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission, Brussels
Nathalie Smuha, Assistant Lecturer & Researcher, KU Leuven
Maciej Szpunar, First Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Part 4 – the European Union as a sovereign global player? |
Keynote address:
“The Brussels Effect” and the European Sovereignty
Anu Bradford, Professor at Columbia Law School, New York City
Part 5 – Democratic organisation of European sovereignty: shared tasks of the Member States and the Union? |
Chair: Stefan Lehne, Visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe, Vienna
Panel discussion
Christophe Hansen, Member and Quaestor of the European Parliament, Strasbourg/Brussels
Vera Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission, Brussels
Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, Luxembourg; former Prime Minister of Luxembourg
Egils Levits, President of the Republic of Latvia, Riga
Tibor Navracsics, Minister for Regional Development and EU Funds, Budapest
Marian-Cătălin Predoiu, Minister of justice of Romania, Bucharest
Prospective closing lecture:
A federal future for the European Union?
Christine Landfried, Professor Emerita of Political Science at the University of Hamburg
Social programme
© Dominique Gaul